Willow Go & more

Before I jump in to what I like and do not like about the Willow Go, I’ll give a little background of my pumping experience and all 4(?!) different pump devices I’ve used in the last 4 months.

1. Spectra S1

2. Willow 2.0

3. Willow Go

4. Motif Duo Double Electric Breast Pump

When I had my first, Sloane, in May of 2020, I got a crappy Ameda from the hospital, and through a very long story of events, frustrations with my milk fully coming in, calling my mom friends and getting advice (looking at you Chezik and Katie!), I then purchased the Spectra S1. And then purchased the Willow 2.0 (which, at the time, was the most recent model) in July of 2020. Overall, out of the ones I’ve listed,

Spectra is by far the superior pump.

I initially did not like the Willows. I kept having issues with them, the functional+technical side of things as well as getting used to how they work/how to work them, and was pretty disappointed that I was out $500. There just was more things to think about… if the parts weren’t set up to the exact degree of alignment, or was off even in the slightest, it did not work whatsoever. It became a lot for me at the time and I just needed a no-brainer option. BUT this time around, with my second being born in December 2022, I now actually really love using the Willows. I think the difference is that I’m no longer overwhelmed about my milk supply or pumping. With my first, I was so concerned about my milk supply (which I really shouldn’t have been. We made it over a year with breastfeeding + pumping) but because I had a lot of factors that caused my postpartum to be stressful in 2020 (covid, moving, lack of support), the Spectra was just the easiest, consistently reliable, and most simple, straightforward option. The Spectra suction has never failed me, it is definitely medical grade, the best out of all I’ve tried. The Willow 2.0 actually has a great suction too, and I would say it was similar to the Spectra even. I felt like once I got the hang of it this time around, and I was able to use the device correctly, it was incredible being totally hands-free, especially with a toddler running around.


Willow Go’s are great but the suction is different from the Willow 2.0. My Willow 2.0’s stopped working recently so I ordered the Willow Go’s after talking to a representative about the differences between the Willow Go’s vs. the newer model Willow 3.0. I was told that they were virtually the same but with the Willow 3.0 (like the 2.0) had the app feature, the ability to use the to-go bags vs just the reusable container (which I never ended up using the bags whatsoever while I used my 2.0’s), less range of spill-proof mobility (running, jumping, yoga), and less to clean (in my opinion, it feels like the same amount to clean). I asked the representative specifically about the suction and she said the Willow Go’s has the same suction as the Willow 3.0….. which it does not. The suction rhythm is different. The 3.0 (like 2.0) has a “continuous latch” suction rhythm, while the Go’s have a “tug-and-release latch” rhythm (slower, longer pulls). Think of the hum that happens when you pump – a continuous latch suction (what I’m used to getting from a Spectra) – a hum sound like “hm. hm. hm. hm” versus a slower, longer pull from a “tug-and-release latch”: “hmmmmm. release. hmmmmmmm. release. hmmmmmm. release” Don’t ask me what the science behind it is but my preference would be the continuous latch suction, which in my opinion, is more efficient .

So, what’s up with the Motif?

Ok, so the Motif – I like the device esthetics, but …. the suction. It also has the “tugs-and-release latch” rhythmic cycle and does not get to a higher vacuum I prefer. The manual describes the two modes as this “Expression Modes: Suction pattern with slower cycles and higher vacuum to express milk gently and efficiently.” or “Massage Modes: Suction pattern with fast cycles and low vacuum to help with letdown and to start milk flowing.” For expression modes, I prefer faster cycles + higher vacuum. With that said, if I needed/preferred a lesser vacuum, I would definitely go with this one.

Great, what’s your point?

This is all my preference! I put the babe on the boob when I have the time and support to. I use the Spectra S1 when I have the time and support to. I use my Willow Go’s daily as well – like while making dinner. Whatever the avenue, Mamas, you got this. The journey of postpartum’s ups and downs are real. Regardless of breastfeeding, pumping, or formula, whatever you’re using or whatever method you’re doing – you doing what’s best for you, is THE BEST choice.